Variegated Solomon’s Seal, Polygonatum odoratum var.- 3 plants


Sold in packs of 3 large Rhizomes, ready for planting this year.

Plant Description:

Variegated Solomon’s Seal Plant is a graceful woodland perennial known for its arching stems, delicate white flowers, and contrasting green and white foliage, making it a charming addition to any woodland garden. Bright blue seeds form after flowering, adding late summer interest. Turns brilliant yellow in fall and dies back after the first hard freeze. Prefers semi-shade to full shade and slightly moist, well drained soil rich in organic matter. Spreads by rhizome. Hardy in zones 3 – 8. 


Ideal for planting with woodland plants such as ferns, hostas, astilbe, dicentra, trillium, wild ginger, foam flower and sweet woodruff.

Sold in packs of 3 Rhizomes, ready for planting this year.



Plant Description:

Variegated Solomon’s Seal plant is a graceful woodland perennial known for its arching stems, delicate white flowers, and contrasting green and white foliage, making it a charming addition to any woodland garden. Bright blue seeds form after flowering, adding late summer interest. Turns brilliant yellow in fall and dies back after the first hard freeze. Prefers semi-shade to full shade and slightly moist, well drained soil rich in organic matter. Spreads by rhizome. Hardy in zones 3 – 8. 


Ideal for planting with woodland plants such as ferns, hostas, astilbe, dicentra, trillium, wild ginger, foam flower and sweet woodruff.


Additional Information:

Planting and Care Instructions:

Plants are sold as dormant, bare root rhizomes. This method produces stronger and more resilient plants that are more adaptable to transplanting and naturalizing in a new habitat. Grows particularly well under mature conifer, such as pine and yew trees. 


Soak rhizome for 1 hour prior to planting. Prepare the soil to accommodate the length of the rhizome and the depth up to the crown of the plant, leaving the crown exposed, approximately 2 – 3 inches. Cover rhizome with rich, well-drained organic soil or compost mix. Water well. Keep moist until established. Once established, little care is needed


Plant Information:

Zone: 3 – 8

Height: 24″ – 36″

Ships: May – September, bare root, 15+ year old stock

Medicinal Uses: Yes

Heirloom: Yes

Pass Along Plant: Yes

Additional information

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

Pack of 3 Variegated Solomon Seal Rhizomes, Ready to Plant